Georgia Agency Uncover Facebook Audiences Your
Competition Will Never Find Using Facebook's Data…

uncover Hidden Data for Cheaper Clicks & More Profit from your Facebook
Advertising Campaigns?

If you’ve ever struggled to get results from your Facebook
advertising campaigns… then you need to see this:

Hi my name is Luis Delgado,

Today I’m here to share with you an easy way that you can save thousands of dollars in ad costs, target audiences more accurately and make more money. Today you can uncover the more profitable targeting audiences Facebook has been hiding from you… Here’s why:

Problem: “Thousands Of Businesses Are All Competing For The Same Audiences”

Whenever you setup targeting within Facebook it only shows 20 – 30 results.
These results are the same results
everyone else sees…

They Look Like This:

Image shows the limited targeting options Facebook gives it's advertisers.

The Old Way Of Targeting

Facebook advertisers are stuck competing for the same limited keyword terms because Facebook doesn't show them.

Advertisers are paying higher prices for clicks, getting lower clickthrough rates on their ads.

Advertisers are unknowingly flushing millions of dollars down the drain every single day targeting the limited audiences that Facebook shows you.

Immediately Save on ad costs using THIS Unfair Advantage

When you target interests poorly less people click on your ads. When Facebook sees that less people are clicking on your ads it means that your ads are hurting peoples user experience. So what Facebook does is it increases the price you pay for clicks.

If you want to avoid getting less clicks and Facebook charging you more for clicks within Facebook you need target your audiences correctly.

Problem is that Facebook's system for targeting is extremely limited and many of the tools out on the market right now don't provide you with the information that you need.

The fact is: Facebook hides its most valuable data.
This means there is always a lot of competition for the same
keywords resulting in a lot of poorly targeted ads and expensive clicks.

Leap-Frog your competition and find highly targeted audiences who want what you’re selling.

(Your competition doesn’t even know about)

Facebook hides it's very best targeting data. It's only accessible to large advertisers or publishers who have been approved to use the data.

This data includes key information such as:
What topics people like, what information people interact on Facebook, what websites users view and much more.

Imagine if you could get access to Facebook’s hidden data? You’d be able to find untapped audiences your competition doesn’t even know exist…

Remove the guesswork & find the exact audiences you want without split testing or spending a dime

The fact is that if you’ve lost at Facebook ads it’s probably because you chose one of Facebook’s public targeting options.
So you would have been competing with everyone else while overpaying for clicks.
You shouldn’t have to do that… in fact you should be able to find the audiences who WANT your products…
Because when you can it means your ads instantly become more profitable and you pay less for your clicks.

We filter audiences and drill down to find your customers

(Your competition doesn’t even know about)

Facebook is very picky about how they allow to use their data. In fact most tools on the market use Facebook’s regular API. These tools can get some additional Facebook data but not enough to really help with targeting.

So we decided to build a tool that would allow us to get this data, then went through a lengthy approval process with Facebook to get access to their very best interests and behavioural data.

And for the first time we’re now making this Facebook approved tool available to the public so that ANYONE can access Facebook’s very best private interests and behavioral data.

Introducing: Altura Social - Profit From
Facebook’s Very Best Data:


Search through Facebook and you'll find very limited results with only general audiences

These broad and general search terms mean that your ads will be expensive, you're competing against a ton of other advertisers. It's going to be hard to create a profitable ad campaign.

Altura Social uses Facebook's very best hidden data to uncover hundreds of great audiences to target

We data mine demographics using business insights and uncover a number of great keywords you can use to advertise to your audience. increasing your ad clickthrough rates and profit.

Profitable Facebook Ads in 4 simple steps:

#1: Discover

We uncover the very best interests & behavioral data available.

#2: Filter

We filter your data and select the exact audiences you want to target.

#3: Apply

We use the best keywords for your ads, we design creatives and upload them into new or your current campaigns.

#4: Profit

Instantly drive better audiences to your ads, get cheaper clicks from Facebook and make more money with better data.

The Very Best Data At Your Fingertips:

Imagine side stepping your competition and targeting fresh untapped audiences.
Access a constant flow of the most recent, powerful and specific data Facebook has available.
Save thousands on split testing costs and even make money extracting data from this software and selling it to businesses.

We Find Highly Targeted Audiences
In Any Language

Tap into Facebook’s very best data to uncover the very best audiences in ANY language.
Find the top interests and behavioral data for whatever language you’re targeting.

We Finely Tune Results & Find Valuable Audiences Fast

Instantly find the most precise audiences you can target.
Search results can now be finely tuned to present the most relevant and useful data possible.
Easily filter search results by popularity or name.

We Research Audiences Deeper

Altura Social opens audiences and conducts additional research through both
Facebook & Google.

We Use Facebook & Googles interests data graph. This helps to find additional ideas for audience searches and develop a better understanding of who you’re targeting within your ads.

Available ONLY For Limited Industries, We Enforce Exclusivity Agreements To Maintain Creative Value.

Facebook is the very best website for fast, profitable traffic. Now with Altura Social and Facebook’s very best data you can milk Facebook for profits.
What are you waiting for? Secure your access to the very best data that exists on the internet today at a low cost as part of this highly limited New Client's special.

SkyRocket Your Advertising ROI Today!

Before Altura Social you’d be forced to pay high prices for clicks because Facebook only ever shows the most popular 20-30 targeting keywords for any one topic.
After Altura Social you can uncover thousands of targeting keywords that were previously unfindable within Facebook. You can now target specific and smaller audiences helping you to reach the right audiences.

Before Altura Social you’d spend more money because your targeting would never be ‘specific enough’ to generate high clickthrough rates to your ads. This would result in a higher ‘per click’ cost for your ads.

After Altura Social your audiences are much more specific so every audience you target will result in much higher clickthrough rates and less ad costs.

Before Altura Social it was difficult to find profitable audiences
After Altura Social it’s easier than ever to find profitable audiences.

You’re minutes away from harnessing the most powerful targeting data on the planet. What are you waiting for? Get In Touch With Altura Social today:


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